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你准备好做生意了吗? 创业公司的雇佣法基础-第1部分

你是一个令人兴奋的新人. 你的首要任务是什么?? Employment contracts, HR policies and procedures and thinking about your employment law obligations? 我们认为不是…….

Let’s face it; you’re more likely to be working flat out on new product development, 争夺优秀人才, 筹集资金,应付无数其他事情. 潜在的就业法律“问题”不会在你的雷达上很高,但实际上, getting the right HR and employment law foundations in place can add tangible value and reduce business risk.

In Part 1 of this series we'll be exploring how to get your basics right and in Part 2 to follow, 随着你的成长,你会期待什么,并为之做什么准备. In Part 3 we'll help you prepare for your journey through the excitement and challenge of transformation and change to keep you steady on the path to success.


A variety of legal requirements impact upon how businesses manage their people starting right from the outset. 这包括在员工十大正规博彩网站评级公司时必须告知的重要信息.

Certain information must be provided in a ‘written statement’ (typically the employment contract) whilst other bits can be contained within ‘some other document which is reasonably accessible to the employee’.

An employee handbook is a great practical way of keeping everything your employees need to know about their employment in one place. 遵守“书面声明”的要求, 它至少应该涵盖你如何处理纪律, 不满和病假工资. 现在所有的雇主都要遵守自动登记养老金制度, 手册是解释如何管理的理想场所. If you have more than five employees there is a requirement to have a health and safety policy, 我们建议哪些应该写在员工手册里.

这些“必须具备”的要求几乎适用于所有雇主, 但有些公司还需要满足其他法律要求. For example, it will probably not have escaped your attention that last year saw a fundamental change to the UK’s data protection legislation.


GDPR and the new Data Protection Act 2018 place much more emphasis on transparency in the way data is managed including employee data. 员工同意是不太可能被信赖的, 虽然有许多合法的理由来处理数据, 让员工意识到这些是至关重要的.  For example, 全球最大的博彩平台你的员工做了什么以及他们是如何做的数据会带来有价值的见解, but your ability to process such personal data legally and avoid the long arm of the Information Commissioner’s Office may depend on what you have told your employees about how you process that data.

Having a ‘privacy notice’ setting out the types of data which you may gather during the course of someone’s employment, 如何处理, and your justification for all of that is the best way to demonstrate compliance with the new regime, 确保你能处理你需要处理的.


大多数企业对关键客户或供应商等第三方都有某种义务, either written into any relevant contract or imposed by law – so it’s vital your employees understand what they have duties around or are responsible for.

例如,你听说过《全球最大的博彩平台》吗? It requires all companies with a turnover of £36 million or more to publish a statement explaining the steps they have taken, 确保他们的生意不受奴役或人口贩卖的影响. 这听起来可能与你无关, but in practice it impacts the whole supply chain and responsibilities on the part of all employees in it.

那可持续性和环境保护呢? 在这些领域你有什么立场或内部政策吗? If you do there may be obligations on your employees which you need to make clear and enforce. These kinds of areas are all worth thinking about if your business is part of a supply chain connected to a larger business. Increasing numbers of our clients are finding that having a policy on something like modern slavery or being able to demonstrate core values alignment are pre-requisites to winning new business.


吸引和留住优秀人才可能很难. Great HR and employment law foundations will help you set the cultural tone for your business and support recruitment.

Carefully thinking about how your values impact on how you want to manage your business is a great way to form the right set of HR policies and procedures that will help inspire people to want to work for you.  Think of an employee handbook as guide to your business – the place for your employees to go to understand who you are, 你的信仰和我们做事的方式.

让我们举一些简单的例子,比如工作中的宠物. 也许你已经有一些狗在办公室里游荡了? We do. But have you thought about how you could formalise that into an employee policy which many people would think of as a huge benefit of working for you? 同样,周围有某些动物可能会冒犯或引起他人的焦虑, so formally setting out how you would deal with this is vital to avoid related grievance or discrimination concerns.


Getting the right employee contracts and related policies and procedures for your unique context in place will help protect your assets and avoid nasty consequences when employees do something wrong (which they will….eventually!).

让我们考虑一下资产和IP. 在数字或科技初创企业中,这些人包括你的客户, your products, 你的专业知识和技巧, “商业机密”和你的市场英特尔. 你如何保护一个带着这些东西离开的员工?  A first step is very carefully crafted restrictive covenants and other protective clauses in your employment contracts. 通用类型条款通常不能保护,因为它们太宽泛或不合理, so making sure you get this exactly right is one of the best investments you can make to protect business value.

很可能在你的行业工作是快节奏和有趣的, with social media and socialising being an integral part of a work-life blend across your teams. 但这种情况对你作为雇主的责任有重大影响.

The line between work and home is much more blurred since the introduction of technology allowing employees to work online at home. Matters are complicated by social media where work colleagues are 'friends' online if nowhere else. 同事和社交媒体朋友之间的交集越大, the more likely it is that online conduct might be dragged into the work sphere and implicate you as the employer. Social media, 欺凌和骚扰政策,虽然没有法律要求,是必不可少的, together with a clear position on what you consider to be inappropriate conduct outside work, 让您的企业适应现代管理.





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