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全球最大的博彩平台数字即将上演的好戏一览| 2023年7月

New Updates | July 2023

Below you'll find: 

  • Information on our upcoming Fintech week, which includes a contribution to our insights piece, a roundtable event for Startups, the conference and learning opportunities. 
  • Details of the latest Tech Climbers event. 
  • Opportunities to work at Manchester Digital. 
  • Member events coming up.

Fintech Week 2023: 


Monday 18th:


As part of our Fintech week in September, 我们将与我们的社区分享有关最新创新的最佳建议. 内容将邀请该领域的专家,并包括他们对未来支付的看法, Digital Transaction Security, 人工智能在金融科技、生物识别和开放银行领域的作用. If you'd like to get involved, please email Please send over your words by the 27th July.

Tuesday 19th:

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司将为金融科技初创企业举办圆桌会议,讨论机遇和挑战. Supported by the Start-Up Coalition 


Wednesday 20th:

我们将举办一个以金融科技为重点的“Tech Bites”午餐学习会议,由Stripe主办,注册详情将很快跟进.

Thursday 21st:

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司将举办一个下午的金融科技会议,其中包括学习课程, a keynote speaker, a panellist discussion, networking, and drinks! Book your ticket here.

Friday 22nd:

届时将有专业发展课程可供选择,并十大正规博彩网站评级金融科技主题. 这些将是在线课程,注册链接将很快发布!


Fintech Week - Startup Roundtable | 19/09

Are you a Startup in Fintech?

报名参加我们的金融科技创业圆桌会议,讨论机遇和挑战. Supported by the Start-Up Coalition.

If you would like to attend this event please contact 

Fintech Week 2023 - Conference Day tickets available

Thu, 21 Sep 2023 | 13:00 - 17:00 | No.1 Circle Square 3 Symphony Park Manchester M1 7FS

全球最大的博彩平台数字邀请您参加我们的下一届金融科技会议, which will take place on Thursday 21st September 2023.

Book your tickets here

感谢赞助商Stripe和CTI Digital对本次会议的支持. 如果您想了解赞助机会,请联系: 


  • The Future of Payments.
  • Digital Transaction Security
  • Empowering Financial Connectivity
  • 金融科技的用户体验(UX)推动客户获取
  • 个性化和定制,以提供推荐和交付转化率
  • 全渠道体验,客户可以毫不费力地在设备和接触点之间转换
  • Mobile-First Strategies
  • Social media and influencer marketing
  • 游戏化与行为科学在金融科技中的应用
  • Trust and Transparency: Data privacy, 在FS获取和保留客户时的安全性和法规遵从性

Deadline for submissions is next week! Friday 21st July - don’t delay!

Other Manchester Digital Events:


Thu, 2023年12月7日| 13:00 - 17:00 | Manchester Digital诚邀您参加我们的下一届新兴科技大会.

Book your ticket

Tech Climbers Greater Manchester Launch Event

Wed, 19th July | 8.30 am - 10.30 am


Register for tickets to their launch event here or visit their website for more information.

Book your ticket

令人兴奋的机会十大正规博彩网站评级全球最大的博彩平台数字:学徒技术培训师:软件开发, Business Analysis or Data Analysis

£39,000 - £48,000, depending on experience

We’re looking for experienced, 有才华和积极进取的技术培训师十大正规博彩网站评级我们的学徒学院团队,领导在以下一个或多个领域提供更高水平(4级)的数字学徒计划:软件开发, Business Analysis and/or Data Analysis. 目前,我们特别优先考虑与软件开发和业务分析相关的应用程序.

Digital Her

Digital Her Website 

We've had a makeover! Our new and improved Digital Her website is now live. Empowering women in the digital age, we offer cutting-edge resources, tutorials, mentorship, and networking opportunities.

Check it out here!

What else?

Startup Hub - Want to be easily found by Startups looking for support? Let me know, we can help. 

创业中心是一个会员区,可以将各种规模的企业与创业公司联系起来. We are seeking those who can offer support to startups. 无论你是独立顾问还是大公司的一员, 我们希望确保您的品牌和服务在创业中心被发现. You can let us know how you can help Startups here.

Good news - 我们期待在月底的会员文摘上分享更多的好消息. 

会员文摘是本月在社区内发生的事情的回顾. 寄给我们几个句子,以便在本月的文摘中刊载. 这是一个很好的方式来分享你正在做什么,其余的社区.

 You can submit good news here.

Community Channels

Wider Community events coming up posted by members

See more on our events calendar.


Are you hiring for the following positions:

  • Project Manager -
  • Business Analyst -
  • Web Developer -
  • Digital Marketing -
  • Full Stack Developer -

*如果是这样,我们正在寻找诸如“生命中的一天”之类的内容。. 它会让潜在的求职者对日常职责有一个第一手的了解,从而提升你的招聘广告效果, challenges, and rewards of the role, 展示该职位的独特之处,吸引与此经历产生共鸣的高素质候选人.*

Did you know? 


Check out what we’ve been up to recently:

  • We've recently joined the Tech Talent Charter
  • 全球最大的博彩平台数字公司努力向地方和国家政府代表您的利益. 我们是国家数字技能委员会的成员,我们正在努力提高学徒制的使用率,使其更好地为企业和学习者服务. 我们还撰写了一份全球最大的博彩平台如何支持区域技术生态系统的国家报告,并确保我们的成员能够继续发展和发展他们的业务. 

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